One simple truth about psychologists and their method of operation is that, to every assertion they make there is an always an exemption. The saying that ''if a friendship lasts longer than seven, it will last a lifetime'' might not be 100 percent true for every friendship one makes with people. The reason is that human beings are made in different ways, that is, we have individual differences.
What will determine how long a friendship will last depends actually on the duo in relationship. When two people get along so well, there is every tendency that their friendship will last a lifetime. However, I have seen a lot of friendships that lasted more than 7 seven years but did not last forever. And at the same time, I have seen friendships of two months that lasted till the end. Challenges of life can also make a friendship that has lasted more than seven not to work out.
I don’t think that friendships that last at least seven years will then last a lifetime. I have been friends with people for over seven years, but then I moved away, and it was too difficult to remain friends with them because our lives have changed. Therefore, I don’t believe that this is a true statement. It all depends on the definition of friendship.
Some people become friends because they work so closely with each other. Then when one of the pair moves away or becomes married, they may find that it is too difficult to remain friends or that they no longer have anything in common. If people remain friends for seven years, that is a long time to be friends.