MOSFETS were introduced in the market around 1970. This was a change from the usual BJT that people used at that time. MOSFETS were different because they are voltage-controlled, which is very different from BJT that is current-controlled. The IGBT is considered to be a cross between the two. It is part MOSFET, and it is also part IGBT.
The IGBT is known to be tolerant to electrostatic discharge and also potential overloads. This is profoundly different from the MOSFET that can be affected immediately when there is too much voltage available. MOSFET is a four-terminal device, while IGBT is a three-terminal device. The choice will depend on you and what you think your application needs more.
MOSFET stands for metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor, and IGBT stands for insulated gate bipolar transistor. These are two types of transistors, and both of them belong to the gate driven category. MOSFET's are available in four different models. These include n channel or p channel with either in depletion or enhancement mode.
Although both IGBT and MOSFET are voltage- controlled devices, IGBT has a BJT like conduction characteristic. Terminals of IGBT are recognized as emitter, collector, and gate and MOSFET is made of the gate, source, and drain. IGBT's are better in power handling. IGBT has PN. MOSFET's doesn't have them. IGBT has a lower forward voltage drop when compared to IGBT.
IGBT stands for an insulated-gate bipolar transistor. MOSFET stands for metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor. They are types of switch-mode power supplies. MOSFET is a fully controlled switch which has three terminals. Those terminals include source, drain, and gate.
IGBT is also a fully managed switch with three terminals. Like MOSFET, it has the gate terminal and also consists of an emitter and collector terminal. When comparing their power handling capabilities, IGBT is much better than MOSFET. Another difference between them is that IGBT has PN junctions, which MOSFET lacks. An advantage of MOSFET is that it has higher switching frequencies than IGBT.