Weather forecasters, tornado hunters, and meteorologists need to know and understand the different terms of weather so that that information can be rightly delivered to the masses during climate disasters. Tornado warning and tornado watch are two essential terms that must be able to be discerned. A tornado watch is issued when the tornado has not yet been seen, the situations of things seem to be alright, or the meteorologists think that the variables are for a tornado variable occurrence.
A tornado warning is a more serious call to make because it is already seen that a tornado is most likely to occur. Warnings can also be issued if the tornado has been seen to have already started to form, or if the local tornado radar has picked a signal. A tornado watch is usually issued to a part or an entire state, while a tornado warning is issued to a definite or more country. A tornado warning is more precise or definite, unlike a tornado watch which can be a form of guessing and issued about broader area of land.