The country of India has a global, decentralized system of health care, which is managed by both the central and state governments, whereas the US has a healthcare system where options are depending upon employment, available funds and healthcare for the unemployed and disabled.
The central government of India supervises medical education and gathers data on infectious disease, and in the US there are many colleges with state and private options where the student can choose and is allowed in according to testing grades and what they call a GPA or grade point average in previous studies. In India, hospitals and clinics are operated by government and private bodies, and this is true for the US.
In India, one can quickly get medicines over the counter even without a doctor's prescription, which not possible here in America. Also, public toilets are few and far between in India. There is a lot of open defecation, and it is not a very clean and sanitary country, and in the US, there are many bathroom facilities that are available for use, and it is illegal to urinate or defecate in public. Government-run Indian hospitals and clinics are very poorly maintained, while the US has a government, private, and nonprofit hospitals that are kept well under standards that are set forth and are inspected by health departments.