It is said that Spiderman Far From Home is being described as the epilogue for Avengers End Game mainly because it shows what life is for Spiderman after his idol, Tony Stark has died. A lot of the posters and trailers that are made show that these two movies are interconnected with each other, and this worked in promoting the film.
A lot of people still have not moved on from End Game and the fact that they are being offered an epilogue is already enough to excite them about the next things that they are going to do. Some of them would watch the movies in order of how they should watch to understand the story entirely.
Yes, the story plot in Spider-Man: Far from Home is a follow-up to the Avengers Endgame. Spider-Man: Far From Home is the first MCU film to drop after Avengers: Endgame The Spider-Man: Far from Home was released almost 2 months ago and the response and comments from the people has been nothing short of amazing.
The story plot in Spider-Man: Far from Home picks up from the events in Avengers: Endgame. The story plot provided some answers from the Avengers: Endgame. The film provided a closure to many of the story threads.