Pap smear and pelvic exam are common gynecological procedures done both at offices and hospitals. A Pap smear is a method in which a physician scrapes cells from the cervix to check the health of the female patient. Pap smears are targeted more toward prevention, while pelvic exams are more of a diagnostic procedure.
Pap smears to screen for cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, or abdominal changes that could lead to cancer. Pelvic exams are used to determine whether or not the pelvis is adequate for childbirth.
Many women go to the gynecologist to make sure they are healthy. Their gynecologist will perform certain exams on their patients. The exam depends on why the patient came into the office. It may be because they are experiencing pain or it could be because they go into the office every year to make sure everything is okay. There are two main exams that can be done at the gynecologist’s office.
The pelvic exam is done on a woman in order to make sure she is healthy with her female reproductive system. It is a general exam. A more specific exam is the pap smear. The Pap smear is looking specifically for something, and that is for cervical cancer.