Anika Nicole, Wordsmith, PG In Journalism, New York
Answered Sep 25, 2019
Bleu cheese has a specific type of spotting on the interior surface, which is bluish-gray while gorgonzola is the cheese which has spots on the external and internal surface, which are greenish-blue in color. Bleu cheese is made with goat, cow, or sheep milk that is skimmed.
Gorgonzola is produced with cow's milk and is not skimmed. Bleu cheese was discovered by accident when a drunken cheesemaker left a half-eaten loaf of bread in cheese caves when he came back he saw that mold had covered the bread and formed bleu cheese. Bleu cheese tastes stronger and saltier than gorgonzola cheese, which is a gentler form of bleu cheese.
Gorgonzola and bleu cheese are two types of cheeses. Bleu Cheese has a strong pungent taste to it. They both got their names in two different ways. Bleu cheese got its name from the bacteria on the cheese that turned it blue. Gorgonzola got its name from the place where it first originated. This town is probably in Italy because it is mostly made in Italy now.
These places are Lombardy and Piedmont. Gorgonzola’s taste is not as powerful as bleu cheese. Therefore, children probably like gorgonzola better than bleu cheese. It usually takes a mature taste to appreciate the bleu cheese flavor. There are more types of bleu cheese than gorgonzola. There are five types of bleu cheese, but only two types of gorgonzola.