Both Plant-based and Vegan are two types of eating habits. One interesting thing about human beings generally, is our choice of foods and how we prepare and eat them. Plant-based and Vegan are similar in some ways, in that, both eating habits focus mainly on eating just plant products or food. However, there are some differences between them. The Plant-based habit of eating means the habit of feeding on plants products only and a person practicing this style can eat animal products as well. The vegans, on the other hand, do not eat animals, nor do they eat animal products, but they feed solely on plant foods or products.
Vegan does not support the habit of eating animal products like egg, milks and other food materials derived from animals. A person practicing plant based eating style eats just plant products probably because he has been advised to be eating too much of plant products than animal products. But a vegan does not eat animal products because of what can be described as an act of pity for animals. They feel human beings should respect animals right.