Fibromyalgia refers to the concentration of muscle pains and connective tissue in several parts of the body. On the other hand, myofascial pain syndrome is usually associated with tenderness and musculoskeletal pain located on one or two spots. These infections are usually seen in the female sex. However, the main cause or causes of fibromyalgia are unknown, but there are several hypotheses. Parts of which are disturbed or inadequate sleep, or waking up uncomfortably.
Fibromyalgia is seen as a functional disorder that is associated with psychological issues, while myofascial pain syndrome is commonly due to physical injury or stress. When a particular muscle or group of muscles are strained, overused, or injured, or there is a prolonged contraction, especially when seated on a desk for a long time, myofascial pain syndrome can occur. Myofascial pain syndrome patients are usually treated by giving them a massage, or applying ice packs, while Fibromyalgia patients are made to sleep more.