A windmill is a machine that moves in a circular motion to translates linear motion of wind to rotational motion by means of adjustable vanes known as sails. A mill is used to perform many functions. This includes: pumping of water, grinding, and so on.
A wind turbine is a much newer machine. It works by using the kinetic energy of the wind to produce an electric current. It is commonly used for commercial purpose and also used at home. It is a cost-effective method to generate a large amount of electrical current. A wind turbine has 3 to 4 propeller-like blades which move around a rotor. As the wind blows, the leaves begin to spin.
Windmills and wind turbine both make get what they need from the wind. The main difference between the two is how they make use of the wind. The wind turbine is known to use motion so that electric current can be created while the windmill converts wind energy into rotational energy. A lot of the modern windmills right now look very similar to wind turbines.
They are placed in an area wherein the wind is expected to be strong so that it will be easier for the machines to get enough wind to turn into usable electricity. The principles of how both works are very simple. The windmill is usually connected to a water pump while the wind turbine is connected to a shaft that is also connected to a generator.