There are many different ways to honor the earth on World Environment Day. You could spread awareness about the topic among others by making fliers or pamphlets explaining what is occurring globally, as far as nature, climate, or other aspects of environmental issues.
Some examples of essential concerns include marine pollution, human overpopulation, and global warming. To commemorate World Environment Day, you could create your garden and nurture plants or flowers while growing your fruits and vegetables. There is nothing better than fresh cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, and peppers. You can celebrate the fruits of your labor (no pun intended) by enjoying a lovely salad with fresh ingredients.
You could go to a recreational area and take a walk and enjoy nature, and at the same time, pick up any trash or litter that may be on the ground, and of course, recycle it. Be the example people need to see by being responsible and recycling.
Publicize your knowledge of World Environment Day by sharing your wisdom on Facebook or taking pictures of the park after cleaning and putting it up on Pinterest. There are many ways to commemorate World Environment Day and spread the word about what is happening to our planet.