We can be friends, not because of your gender because of your personality. It will not matter anymore if you are a girl or a boy as long as we have some things in common and there are things that we can talk about easily. There are some people that you meet wherein you will immediately know that you will become friends.
Then, there are also some people that you will meet that you will automatically dislike even when the person is not doing anything to you. There are different reasons for this, but your view of the different people that you meet and hang out with can change in the future, especially if you or your friends would also change.
If there is a boy and a girl and they become friends first, it is rather difficult to stay friends. Usually one or both want to become more than friends. Usually, the younger the boy and girl are, the better it is. Once the couple gets older, they may have a harder time of staying friends. Teenagers, especially young teenagers, can maintain a friendship if their friend is of the opposite sex.
However, older couples have an issue. They can’t seem to remain friends. In many cases, one side of the couple wants to remain friends and the other side wants to make it more than friends. Once these feelings are made out in the open, it is difficult to remain friends.