Alanine and Beta-Alanine are two examples of non-essential amino acids. In terms of solubility, both are soluble in water. Alanine is an amino acid which can be used in the preparation of protein. It can be gotten from various items like eggs, fish, beans, nuts, and meats. Beta-Alanine is also a non-essential amino acid. It is called beta-alanine because the amino group is at the beta position of the carboxyl group.
Beta-Alanine is also a part of carnosine, which is a naturally occurring peptide. This means the carnosine level in the body, particularly in the muscles depends on the amount of available beta alanine. Beta Alanine is also a supplement needed by athletes. In terms of density, Alanine has a lower density of 1.42g/cm3 compared to beta-alanine, which has a density of 1.44g/cm3. However, the melting point of Alanine is higher than that of beta-alanine.