Doppler ultrasonography refers to a non-invasive medical study of the heart with the blood vessels, using a high Doppler effect of ultrasound, that is ultrasound with a high wavelength or frequency. This is achievable with the dropper effect or dropper shift process to somewhat scan the circulation of blood in the heart and the vessels. On the other hand, duplex ultrasonography refers to the non-invasive medical study that combines Doppler ultrasonography and traditional ultrasonography.
Doppler ultrasonography gives a typical colored picture that detected the blood flow. Duplex ultrasonography gives a typical colored picture detecting the blood flow and also provides the ultrasound image of the tissues in a two-dimensional greyscale form. Doppler ultrasonography gives information about concerning the availability of blood flow with its direction, turbulence, speed, and etc. in the vessels in the study. The duplex ultrasonography also does the same work of Doppler ultrasonography, and it also shows the image of the tissues in the surrounding.