During the 20th century, there was a new invention in the medical field. This invention is about pills that can be taken to prevent pregnancy. Women can take these pills to hinder production and ovulation. Two good pills that are used for birth control are Yaz and Loestrin, and they are available to buy in the market. Though these pills perform the same function, still they have their differences. One major difference between them is the kind of progestin.
The kind of progestin in Yaz is Drosperinone, while the kind contained in Loestrin is norethindrone. Both Yaz and Loestrin contain estrogens which are of the same type and amount. Another thing that distinguishes these two pills is that Yaz contains a particular amount of Yaz, but Loestrin does not. When this kind of pills is taken, there are surely one or two side effects they have on the body. For Yaz, its side effect is the cramp of women's leg, with a form of headache. When Loestrin are taken, cramps can still be experienced, but one major thing it does is that it causes the breast to be bigger.