Monocots and dicots, also can be referred to as monocotyledons and dicotyledons are classes of flowering plants. The monocots, also called liliopsida, have over 75,000 plant species; while the dicotyledons, also called magnoliopsida, have about 175,000 plant species too. Monocotyledonous plants have just a terminal cotyledon in their seeds, while dicotyledonous plants have two lateral cotyledons in their seeds. In addition, for the monocots, their seed germination is usually hypogeal; while for the dicots, their seed germination is usually hypogeal or epigeal.
The stomata of the monocots are evenly distributed on the two surfaces of their leaves, but for the dicots, the stomata are on the bottom surface of the leaves. The monocots usually have adventitious or fibrous root, while the dicots are usually of tap roots. The monocots are mostly herbaceous, while the dicots range from annual plants to tress. For the monocots, the vascular bundles are scattered through the stem; while for the dicots the vascular bundles are arranged in rings.