In English language, it is very easy to see words that have different spelling, meaning but the same sound. At times, you will see words that naturally shouldn't have the same sound but when you listen carefully to their real sound and transcription, they sound the same way. Actually these types of words are known as homophones. Homophones are words with the same sound but they differ in terms of spelling and meaning. Examples of these are pidgin and pigeon.
These are two different words but they have the same sound. Pigeon is a particular type of bird of the family of Columbidae. This type of bird can be found almost everywhere except for areas that are known for cold weather. Pidgin, on the other hand, is the mixture of two separate languages which is used by people of different languages as the neutral way of communication. Pidgin does not follow the formalized or right usage of two languages being joined together.
Pigeon and Pidgin can be confusing for some people because they may assume that this is the same because they sound the same. The word Pidgin is a Chinese word that means “business.” This can sometimes be used by people who may be trying to speak Chinese who are not fluent in speaking the language. Pigeon is a type of bird that can sometimes be considered a nuisance because it tends to live in people’s properties.
This type of bird is usually fat, especially if there is a good source of food around the area. There are some places wherein this type of bird is not allowed because they have already managed to destroy some properties.