Blood clots refer to the clump of thick and sticky dried blood. Most women have experienced this during the time of their period or menstruation. Miscarriage is simply the disturbance of pregnancy in the womb before the fetus could survive outside the uterus. Miscarriages occur between 10% and 20% of women who know they are pregnant, and most miscarriages (like 80%) happen before the 12th gestational week. Reasons, why blood clots appear during menstruation, are usually due to a sedentary lifestyle, hormonal balance disorder, polyps in the uterus, low hemoglobin, a surplus of vitamins in the body, cervix disorders, presence of the intrauterine device, uterine fibroids, and ectopic pregnancy.
Reasons for miscarriages in women is usually due to disease in the mother, consumption of alcohol, abnormalities in the chromosomal embryo, toxic substances in taken, features of the structures of the cervix or uterus, etc. Blood clots are uniformly red clumps, while greyish tissue parts get discharged with blood clots in miscarriage.