Chico is a city in northern California. There are other options aside from the Craigslist platform that there is a high possibility of finding rooms for renting in Chico, California. Some of the various options are as follows:, Chico Classified Ads, Message boards in local coffee shop and market, and signs posted in windows. is a reputable classifieds site that was founded in 2004.
It is currently the largest classifieds aggregator for listings from California. Oodle is an excellent replacement of Craigslist in finding a room to rent because there is transparency in the transactions. Chico Classified Ads are free classified ads for cars, jobs, real estate, and everything else in Chico. Therefore, there will be no problem in trying to find a room to rent in Chico, California. Create a message on large cardboard of paper stating the requirements behind the kind of service you want. Cardboard can also work too. The first board of cardboard is to be pasted in local shops and public places like the market. Finally, signs can also be posted in windows.