Quartz is an English unit of volume. Presently, three kinds of quarts remain in use. They include the liquid quart and the dry quart of the US customary system and the imperial quart of the British imperial system. A gallon is a unit of measurement for volume and fluid capacity in both the US conventional units and the British imperial systems of measurement.
Gallon is a measurement of volume that is primarily used in the United States but commonly used in many other English speaking countries. The gallons used in fuel economy expression in Canada and the United Kingdom are the imperial gallons.
The determination of the number of quarts in a gallon can be done using the conversion rule. The conversion rule states that: one gallon is equivalent to 128 US fluid ounces and One quart is equal to 32 US fluid ounces. Mathematically, 128 divided by 32 gives 4 as the quotient. Therefore, there are four Quarts in one Gallon.