It's a not-so-good thing to be addicted to animations so much that you find yourself acting the character. To break free and survive outside this addiction, you need to have a ready heart. A heart that says enough is enough—I'm prepared to live without animations. A wiling heart will be energized to go the extra mile to break free. The substitution approach can break addictions.
You substitute your love for addiction for another hobby. Reflect on your life and write down all your hobbies, talents, or gifts. Maybe, there is something you once loved to do, but you stopped doing—it's high time you rekindle that love. Deliberately engage yourself to avoid getting bored. You can achieve this by spending time with friends and families during vacations or holidays. You can also go on adventures and picnics. Don't forget to set achievable goals, plan on how to achieve them, and focus till you hit the jackpot. If you do all of those, you are on your way to freedom.