The correct answer to this question is energy. It is very simple to understand why energy is not able to be recycled. At the end of all the processes that energy goes through, there is no energy left over to be recycled. The energy that organisms require to function they are obtained from plants.
So 90% of the energy is gone from that process. Then, there is the energy that is also lost during steps of the food chain. With all the energy loss through the various processes of the ecosystem, as well as some heat that is a loss in the process, there is no energy to recycle.
Energy is something that is always recycled in the ecosystem. There are some theories stating that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, which means that it is always around. Even objects that are not moving will come with energy, which explains why the moment that a certain amount of force is exerted into it, the object will start to exhibit signs that it has energy.
There are certain types of energy that may not be available in the beginning, but the moment that the object is used for something else, the energy will already become apparent. Take note that not all types of energy are renewable. Renewable energy should be used more, but there are still many things that people are constructing to make this possible.