One of the most important and abundant biomaterials on Earth is cellulose. Although it is majorly produced by the plant, some bacteria can also produce it. Cellulose is similar to starch as both have the same monomer unit (glucose). However, unlike starch, cellulose can't be digested by some animals. It also differs from starch because its monomer units are linked by β-1,4 linkages.
One of the major importance of cellulose is that it helps strengthen plant cell walls and make them stable. The pattern of arrangement of the bundles of microfibrils that make up the cellulose is the reason why cellulose helps strengthen the structure of plant cell walls. As said earlier, cellulose can also be produced by bacteria.
This type of cellulose functions to maintain aerobic conditions. The arrangement of the bundles of microfibrils in this type of cellulose also follows the type produced by plants.However, it is important to note that cellulose does not dissolve in water.