When you convert 1/8 to a decimal, what you will get as an answer is 0.125. However, I will like to show how I arrived at this answer with a unique method I was taught while growing up. The first thing to know when doing the conversion from fraction to a decimal is that you will be dividing the numerator by the denominator. Here, the numerator is one, and we have eight as the denominator. Let's do the division for the first round, and we have 0 as the answer since one cannot be divided by 8. For the second round, attach one zero to 1, and we have 10.
By dividing ten by 8, we have 1 and 2 as the remainder. For the second round of division, we have 0.1 as the answer. Since we have 2 as the remainder, add another zero to it to get 20. Divide 20 by 8; we have 2; and 4 as the remainder. For the third round of division, we have 0.12 as the answer. Also, we have 4 as the remainder, and then add another zero to it to become 40. Divide 40 by 8, and you will get 5 without any remainder. For the final round of division, the answer is 0.125.