There are a lot of sensitive skin conditions, examples are Hives and Eczema. Eczema is used to refer to a condition known as atopic dermatitis and Hives is medically called Urticarial. Both skin conditions occur when there is an excessive reaction of the body immune system. But there are a lot of differences between the condition. The release of a substance called histamine causes hives, the histamine is produced by excessive cells in the skin when the skin is exposed to any substance which causes an allergic reaction.
As a result of this, fluids are secreted out from the superficial blood vessels in the skin. Also, this condition can be caused by bathing with hot or cold water. While Eczema is caused due to excessive responses of the immune system and it can also be caused when there are defects in the skin. It must be noted that the exact causes of eczema cannot be ascertained but it can also be caused by certain soaps, detergents that are reacting negatively with the skin.