Ethanol and gasoline are different from each other in different ways. Ethanol is composed of ethyl alcohol which surprisingly, can also be found in alcoholic beverages. This can also be used as one of the additives of gasoline so that it can be used as motor oil. This can be made from sugarcane or corn. Gasoline is also known as petrol.
This is a colorless fluid that is used in order to power up the engines of different people. Take note that this would require different additives like ethanol in order to work. The mixes may be a bit different so you have to make sure that you are getting the one that will work best for your vehicle.
Ethanol is pure aliphatic alcohol that is formed by replacing hydrogen with a hydroxyl group in ethane. The chemical formula of ethanol is C2H5OH. It can be used as fuel. Ethanol is mainly produced from corn or sugarcane. Compared to gasoline, ethanol is environmentally friendly as it supports complete combustion. However, ethanol less efficient, over time, it can cause severe damages to the engine.
Gasoline, on the other hand, is a fuel that consists of a mixture of refined petroleum hydrocarbons. It may contain up to as much as 500 hydrocarbons. Gasoline is mainly obtained from crude oil. A gallon of gas is known to produce one- third more energy than when using a gallon of ethanol. Gas undergoes incomplete combustion making it less environment-friendly compared to ethanol. It is not known to cause damage to the engine.