Suffering from a headache is very common. However, the pain becomes more severe when a person is suffering from a migraine. Suffering from such a headache can affect the way a person works and functions, and therefore people need to take the necessary steps to help them fight the issue the right way. Some of the steps that will help you feel better from migraine pain are-
I love to code. I believe everything is programmed in a certain way to make it work. From human brains to every single command in the machines.
F. Manasseh, Software Developer, B.E (Bachelor of Engineering), Tallahassee, Florida
Answered Nov 04, 2019
If you are seeking more immediate relief from migraine pain, you should take an over the counter pain medicine and relax in a room with little or no light if possible. Try to keep a warm compress handy, and another trick is to have an ice cube underneath a damp cloth or paper towel.
Run the ice cube around your eyes, outlining where the pain is most persistent. You may also sip water or an electrolyte filled drink such as Gatorade or vitamin water, although juice may also be a good option. Also, try to restrict noise in the room since noise can aggravate the pain. Make it a point to rest and get some sleep.