Claustrophobia is an extreme or irrational fear of enclosed or confined spaces. This condition is one of the most common type of phobias, those with this problem will also want to avoid situation that might trigger their fears. Millions of people all over the world experience claustrophobia.
Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder and those with this condition are estimated to be around 5 to 7 percent of the entire population of the world. The effect of this condition varies from one person to another. It has been researched that women tend to be more claustrophobic than men, putting their rate to be twice that of men.
In United Kingdom alone, about 10 percent of the population may suffer from claustrophobia, while in the United States, the percentage of those with claustrophobia is 5. Meaning United Kingdom has a rate twice that of United States. Also, claustrophobia is very common in a place where there is overcrowding.