Claustrophobia can be treated with medications. But before you use any medication, make sure you have been diagnosed. Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder which usually results in an irrational and intense fear of enclosed spaces. People with claustrophobia use to show symptoms like sweating, nausea, over breathing.
As complicated as the claustrophobia effect might be on people, it can be treated using psychotropic medication, and this should be used according to doctor prescription. This medication approach to treat claustrophobia is not 100 percent permanent but it can cure the condition for a short period of time, this is because this type of medication can only offer short term relief.
But when you use it together with psychotherapy method, you can be assured of a permanent cure. When panic is becoming incessant, anti-depressants are very useful, and you can also use Relaxants, this will help reduce symptoms that usually come with anxiety.