The United States consumes a lot of oil. They aren't doing much to conserve it, which is obvious in their numbers. Last year alone, the U.S. consumed a whopping average of about 20.5 million barrels of petroleum per day. Yes, that's per day. The EIA, however, uses product supplied as a proxy for U.S. petroleum consumption. The U.S. does have oil but chooses not to use their own for reasons of conserving. The total worldwide oil average consumption is in the neighborhood of 93 million barrels per day, so that gives you an idea of how much the U.S. uses in comparison to other countries.
Conserving energy is something that is discussed often in the United States, but nothing seems to come from it. Tiny efforts are made but nothing that shows up. They are very dependent on oil, maybe more so than any other country which is not to their favor as they can be controlled in undercurrent kind of ways like embargoes, pricing, and so forth. It would be best if they cut down their usage and dependency but doubtfully is that going to happen anytime soon because it doesn't seem to be a majority priority.