Anti-vaxxers are people who are opposed to vaccinating their children. They are often criticized for being rebellious against the government in their refusal or protest against vaccines and are considered to be extreme in their beliefs at times. There is another side to the story, however.
The vaccination business in America is exactly that...a business. It is quite profitable and as full of scams and loop holes as Big Pharma is. The fact that vaccines contain toxic chemicals is overlooked by many but not the anti-vaxxers. They extensively research what vaccines contain, the need for them, and the profits and dirty deeds behind them.
Many people who are generally in the minority believe the vaccines are not only unnecessary; the vaccines themselves are making the children sick. There have been many groups of unhinged and uneducated parents who have started a movement against children receiving life-saving vaccines. Even when the parents are presented with the facts, they often claim that those people work for the big pharmaceutical company, it was surely paid to say that vaccines prevent deadly diseases.
The same parents also claim that these vaccines are responsible for causing significant conditions to arise in children. These include autism, Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralysis, multiple sclerosis, and lupus. These theories are based on controversy, conspiracy, and faulty Internet research.