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S. Leo, Content Blogger, Journalism and Content Marketing, Mexico
Answered Jul 15, 2019
Vaccinations should not be made mandatory by law. Many parents who have had bad results from the vaccines wish they had not had their child take them. Some parents feel their child is vulnerable to have an adverse reaction because they are not very healthy, and others don't like the thought of putting such toxic chemicals into their children. The government has so much control, why give them more? If a parent truly believes a vaccine is not suitable for their child and poses a risk, it is not right to be forced to give it.
Unvaccinated illegals enter the country and are not ever vaccinated or not for a while. The same crowd that says children must be vaccinated also are for letting illegals in at will so, it seems a bit senseless. But, others feel quite differently and think that the population is at risk because some don't vaccinate their children, and that is their right to feel that way as well.
Vaccines should be made mandatory because they help to prevent diseases in children, and parents today have valid concerns about their child’s health. Even though this country was built upon the notion that religious freedom is precious, this country is going through a severe healthcare crisis. Parents want to protect their children at all costs.
Keeping children immune to the diseases must come first above religious freedom. States are instituting a mandatory immunization requirement as a prerequisite to public school enrollment because it is the best way to maintain herd immunity, meaning that much of the school population will be immune to the disease because of vaccines. Any exemptions to the role 10 to jeopardize herd immunity, which hurts the children in the long run.