Being a lawyer must be a hard-working person that sacrifices his/her life to serve his/her client with all his/her heart truthfully and protect the client. They must also help the client to win the cases because that is the role of a lawyer to protect the client even though the client is bad or good. The goal is to win the case. So we must be wise about choosing the best lawyer for our legal problems.
The task of being a lawyer can be overwhelming sometimes. Lawyers, as guardians of law are saddled with many responsibilities, one to their clients and also the preservation of the society through a well-balanced stand on the law as it affects every issue the law meant to address.
As it is to every profession, lawyers also have their own rules and regulations to keep and obey and failure to obey one might lead punishments like disbarment and suspension. Parts of many responsibilities or tiles a lawyer must follow are;
-Once you are a lawyer, you are a representative of your client, an agent of legal body and you must abide all activities that will uphold the truth
-A lawyer must be able to educate his or her clients about their right and obligations and the practical implications
-A lawyer conduct should conform to the requirements of the law
-A lawyer should be truthful to his clients