Yeah, the Detective Pikachu movie is a good movie. The movie is about Tim Goodman and detective Pikachu, who is Tim's father's Pokemon partner. They were looking for Tim's father and attempted to disclose a conspiracy that will affect the world of Pokemon.
The movie seems more like kids' movie, but it also unveils some emotional moment accompanied by a great display of the characters involved. The comedy part can't be neglected with Reynold's sense of humor. This makes the movie a balanced one. The actions displays are great ones, but they seem to get over real quick.
The designs of the creature are just so incredible. The movie actually has its faults, but since that's the first time Pokemon would be staged in a live performance, the flaws can still be overlooked. Detective Pikachu is really a good and balanced movie which is fun, emotional, and full of passion. Both old and young will enjoy the movie.