If there is something wikileaks is good at, it is their professional way of leaking information that are not only genuine but also classified. Wikileaks is all about whistle-blowing, secret revealing and sharing of information that talk more on the misconduct, shady deeds of the many countries particularly US and her security operatives. One of many wikileaks leaks is the horrendous killing of 15 people and two Reuter journalists by a US Apache helicopter in Iraq , the soldiers were heard laughing at the dead people from the footage released by wikileaks.
Even with the footage released by wikileaks, the US government didn't punish those soldiers, saying they only killed terrorists and not innocent people. Another important leak of wikileaks was the move by CIA to break into every electronic being used in the US. This would enable them to spy on all activities of every US citizen who uses electronics like Android, Iphones, Computer and others without the user's knowledge.