Wikileaks is an international non-profit organization, they publish secret information and release them online for people to see. Whatever you find on wikileaks can be trusted and is reliable. For some people to go as far as digging out secrets that have been hidden from people is a commendable task and with this, wikileaks has succeeded in bringing a new face, new way of journalism.
For instance, some years ago wikileaks released some government files to the New York Times about conflict in Afghanistan and this was found to be true. Based on series of online polls that have been conducted to know people's thoughts about wikileaks, averagely over 90% still belief wilileaks is reliable. Many people even say they trust wikileaks more than many other media outlets.
The level of professionalism show by wikileaks and also their way of hiding the anonymity of their sources are parts of many reasons why people prefer wikileaks than even other news outlets