To move to Canada, you are going to need some money. Although it certainly depends upon your unique individual circumstance, there are some basic expenses you will incur. To acquire a standard work permit will cost you $155 CAD for each person and an open work permit is $100 per individual.
You'll also need to apply for permanent residency which will be $1090 per person total in Canadian dollars. That boils down to $550 for the actual processing fee and then a sum of $490 for the right to permanent residence. There is also a $150 charge per dependent child that you have.
Moving to Canada is not cheap but it is not out of the question either. It is affordable for those who are set on moving there but will require some financial planning which is the idea behind it all. Canada is acting responsibly to not just let anyone in for nothing. They care more about their citizens than to do something like that.