May Day is usually a celebration that is held on the first day of the month of May. May 1 had new meaning as International Worker grew out of the late 19th-century labor market.
The working class struggled to get 8-hour work per day instead of working 10 to 16 hours per day; this led to a situation like death and also injury.
May 1 is also an important day use to celebrate the festivals of Beltane. It was believed by Celts of the British Isles that May Day was thought to divide the year in half between light and dark.
After the Roman took over the British Isles, the festival was no longer celebrated, but there was worship for the goddess of the flower. This took five days and the ritual for the celebration as combined with Beltane.
Another event that took place was the Maypole dance. Even though the origin of the Maypole is unknown, the tradition is traced back to medieval times, and it is still celebrated till today.