When you conquer the entire map, then you have really done well as that is what most players are trying to do. And, with a lot of patience and a whole lot of time, that is what you will be able to do. Belive it or not, it is only you who limits yourself. And it is possible to do it but it is not easy.
Even if your entire world is capped with Renaissance Tech and Medieval, you can still conquer all and you will have done what you set out to do. It is hard and takes what can seem like forever. It can be draning on you too and...it can be addicting.
But if your goal is to conquer the world, and...that is the object of the game, ultimately, then that is exactly what you want to spend your time and energy doing. Go for it and get it done. You will be very proud of yourself and your friends will be proud of you too.