The best expansion pack for Civilization is probably Civilization IV. It is called Beyond the Sword and is the latest, to date, of the expansion packs. If you are just starting out, this one will be awesome for you to get going on. The pack contains the base, main game and then you get all the additions and changes that have been made from the two expansions which is really nice. You can, if you want, just play the basic game or you can play with the Warlords expansion but my recommendation is to get this expansion pack and play it for all it is worth.
You won't regret it. I sure didn't. It has all the bells and shistles to get you through with ease. And that is worth so much in this game. If you don't like epansion packs, you won't like this but you can still play the game and save the packs in case you feel you may ever want to expand yourself in playing. That is what I would recomend. Can't hurt.