Hellboy is a superhero designed by Mike Mignola for Dark Horse Comics. He is a benign demon who, as a baby, was summoned from Hell to Earth by the Nazis. He eventually escaped them and was found by the Allies and taken under the care of the scientist Dr. Trevor Bruttenholm. Dr. Bruttenholm raised Hellboy as a human resulting in Hellboy being much more benevolent than typical demons. His true name is Anung Un Rama. Hellboy is a red-skinned humanoid with cloven hoofs for feet and horns which he removed by filing.
As a result, his horns are just two large stumps on his forehead. Because of having been essentially kidnapped by the Nazis, Hellboy has a hatred for them and works for Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (B.P.R.D.), a non-governmental organization which specializes in fighting paranormal threats and evil organizations. Hellboy is said to smell of roasted peanuts.