There are hundreds of different types of cuisines. Cuisine is a tradition or style of cooking consisting of certain ingredients, dishes, and cooking techniques. What foods are eaten in a region depends on local climate and trade. There are cuisines associated with specific regions and cultures. Another factor that significantly influences cuisine are religious dietary restrictions such as the ones prevalent in Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism. As a result, some cuisines lack certain meats, such as pork, or meat entirely.
Most modern-day cuisines consist of grains such as wheat, millet, lentils, and rice as well as various meats such as chicken, pork, and beef. Others, especially southeast Asian, Oceanian, and South American cuisines, consist of roots and tubers such as taro, yams, and potatoes.
Fruits such as apples, oranges, coconuts, and bananas also play an important role in cuisines especially those in tropical and Mediterranean regions where fruit trees flourish. Coastal cuisines such as Japanese cuisine and the cuisine of many coastal indigenous cultures in Canada and Alaska also depend heavily on fish and other types of seafood.