In the recent film, A Star Is Born, Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga played the role of an old washed out Rockstar and an aspiring singer respectively. Because they worked together closely and played a couple, they have been closer together recently. Also, after a performance on “Shallow,” there were rumors that Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper were in a relationship. This was partly due to some staged kisses. This is in spite of Cooper’s four year dating relationship with Irina Shayk. Despite the rumors, Irina does not appear to harbor any hostile feelings to Lady Gaga.
Both women have made it clear that Lady Gaga’s relationship with Bradley Cooper is strictly professional and one of friendship. This, however, has not calmed any rumors. Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk started dating in 2015 and have produced a child. Cooper says he is still very taken by her and their relationship does not show any sign of wavering.