When it comes to obtaining a doctoral degree, be prepared to invest some time into the process. Some doctoral degrees can be earned within 3-5 years, however, depending on the program and requirements. Most doctoral degrees take between eight and ten years to achieve. If the dissertation is successfully defended the first time, then time can be less.
A lot of the time that goes into the Ph.D. is the research and time dedicated solely to the dissertation process. Each dissertation must be original and provide a new line of study. If one is studying history for instance, then a deep dive into a certain subject, with new theories - successfully defended, can lead to the awarding of a doctoral degree. However, if the dissertation is not successfully defended, then the student must revise, revamp, and try again. Before beginning work on a Ph.D., one should investigate and be sure that they are entering the field of study that they want to continue to pursue for the remainder of their life.