The very first zombie movie was released in 1932. Directed by Victor Halperin, White Zombie ushered in a new era in Hollywood. The silent film era was over, and many of the studios were looking for new and exciting things to bring the public. The movie was a mishmash of other films. If one looks closely, you can see settings from four other major films that had been released previously. This was because of the budget for the film, so many of the sets were rented.
Bela Lugosi, the master of horror, played the lead role, turning a young woman into a zombie at the behest of one who loved her. However, the results were not quite what he had expected them to be. This film was not the typical “horror” film. White Zombie began a new and exciting culture for Hollywood, although one that was not fully realized until the 1960s with George A. Romero.