I have compassion for Automobiles and I dig the fast pace while I ride or drive.
A. Boaz, Mechanical Engineer, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Atlanta, Georgia
Answered Nov 04, 2019
One of the biggest misconceptions of people is assuming that the Bible is a book, but actually, it is a collection of different books. There are 66 books that you can see in the Bible. It would talk about a lot of topics that will help people understand more about God and the teachings of the Lord in general.
There are a lot of people who may interpret the Bible literally, and they may get confused with how they should act. Reading the Bible will require some thinking. You need to completely understand what the words of the Lord are trying to say. It is only then that you will truly understand the meaning of the words.
Being a content writer, I keep looking for fresh and unique content and I think Discuss is my go to every time
A. Lucius, Senior Content writer, Diploma in Literature, Dover, Delaware
Answered Nov 01, 2019
The Holy Bible is a collection of 66 books. It is a collection of the sacred and divinely inspired text. The books contain a record between God and humanity. The Holy Bible is the high-value collection that Christianity is based on. Christians all over the world have high regard for the Holy Bible. The Bible is considered the bestselling book of all-time and the most influential book in existence.
The Holy Bible is the Bible into Old Testament and New Testament. According to the protestant, the Old Testament contains 39 books. The Old Testament has records of the relationship between God and Humans before the birth of Jesus, and the New Testament contains records on the birth of Jesus, his works, and the records of the early Christians. It also contains revelations of this to come at the end of time.