What is the formula that will add D4 to the product of B1 plus B2? - ProProfs Discuss

What is the formula that will add D4 to the product of B1 plus B2?

What is the formula that will add D4 to the product of B1 plus B2?<br/>

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Asked by Tjz, Last updated: Dec 06, 2024

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3 Answers

Christian Jackson

Christian Jackson

Christian Jackson
Christian Jackson, Content Developer, Austin

Answered Nov 11, 2018

In Excel, you can type in formulas into a cell so that you don’t have to type and type the same information into each cell. There may be a pattern to your data. You can create a formula into one cell and it will apply it to the other cells that you have designated as the ones that you want involved in the cells.

When you type in an equal sign at the beginning of a formula in Excel, that means that a calculation is about to be typed in. Then you would need to type the cell where you want the answer to be placed. Usually, a set of parentheses are typed into the formula to include the rest of the formula.

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John Adney

John Adney

John Adney
John Adney

Answered Apr 05, 2017

"product" is the result of two values multiplied together. Therefore, the correct answer is 2, not 4. I got this wrong, incorrectly.
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John Smith

John Smith

John Smith
John Smith

Answered Nov 08, 2016

=d4+(b1 + b2)
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