Jackie Chan is a famous actor with a heavy background in the martial arts. His net worth is estimated to be at around 350 million which is not bad for the son of parents who fled the Chinese civil war in order to make a better life for themselves and for their children. They obviously made a good choice there because their son has done very well for himself. Some think he should not have so much money but others think he should. As always, everyone has their own opinion. Jackie would be the same person even if he was poor, most people say.
Chan came along with the passing of Bruce Lee and was able to step in to somewhat fill the role. He is very talented in many areas. He did a great job of stepping up to the plate and was paid well for it.
Although Jackie Chan makes a lot of money, he doesn't flaunt it as some do. He is said to be very giving and he donates to charity causes too. Jackie Chan is one of the most famous people in the world. He is recognized wherever he goes. He deserves his riches because he has worked very hard to get to where he is from where he was. Those who think that he doesn't deserve them have never walked in his shoes. He works hard, lives right, and earns every penny of what he has. After all, that is how he was brought up.