Chris Evins, College Student, Schooling, Wolverhampton
Answered Nov 01, 2019
Although Instagram is very popular and is accessed by over 500 million users daily, Facebook still tops the chart as the most used social media, with over 1.56 billion users daily. However, Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media apps; research shows that Instagram has taken over a lot of social media platforms like snap chat, twitter, and others. Research also shows that Instagram will outshine Facebook by 2020.
A lot of teenagers and youth have an interest in watching short video clips and images of their friends or favorites celebrities. A research conducted in the U.S on the most used social media shows that Facebook has the highest users, with 90.8 percent of U.S mobile users and 57.9 percent for Instagram. Instagram is ranked the fourth most download app in the world. I hope you find this helpful.
Due to Instagram’s limitations being only used for posting photos and videos, it is probably not the most used social media site. The most used social media site is probably Facebook. The main reason for Facebook being the most used is because it has been around a lot longer than most other media sites.
WhatsApp is very popular around the world, but it was bought out by Facebook a few years ago. Instagram has about four hundred million users whereas WhatsApp has about one billion users. Facebook has over one and a half billion users. Therefore, just based on the number of active users per site, Instagram could not be considered the most used social media site. That would belong to Facebook.