The organ responsible for our sight is a real delicate one that should be well taken care of. Though this component looks small among all the components making up the body, when negatively affected, it can bring severe pain to the body. There are major problems that can affect the eyes, which include shortsightedness, long-sightedness, and color blindness, as popularly known, but they are not limited just to these three. Another defect of the eyes is referred to as a cataract.
This is simply the gradual loss of sight or poor vision due to the clouding of the eye lens. Talking about how the eye lens can be clouded, we have to check the causes of cataract. These causes include aging, radiation exposure, trauma, and aftermath of eye surgery sometimes. The lens is being clouded due to the accumulation of yellowish-brown pigment or clumps of protein, which reduces the transmission of light to the retina behind the eyes. Thus, cataract is formed.